Haenyeo's Kitchen

Bukchon Branch

Haenyeo Invites
You to a Table for 14

Meet at the haenyeo’s “bulteok” for a delicious
underwater journey through media art

Make a reservation

31, Bukchon 9-gil, Jocheon-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea

heanyeo kitchen

Delicious time that
blends dishes
prepared at Haenyeo’s bulteok
with underwater media art


  • Date

    Thur/Fri/Sat/Sun every week

  • Times

    Session 1 11:00
    Session 2 14:00
    Session 3 17:00

  • Duration

    90 mins.

  • Location

    31, Bukchon 9-gil, Jocheon-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do, Republic of Korea

  • price

    Course A: 69,000 KRW per person.
    Course B: 89,000 KRW per person.
    (Available to 7 years old and above)


Haenyeo’s Bulteok

Haenyeos used to sit together in a “bulteok” to warm up their cold bodies. We invite you to our bulteok – a resting place, school, and kitchen for Haenyeos – and get a step closer to the Haenyeo culture.


Haenyeo’s Sea

The underwater world of Haenyeo unfolds on our unique undulating media-mapping wall. Let's take a trip together to the deep and dark waters of the Sanggun (deep-dive) Haenyeo. This is our opportunity to experience a Haenyeo dive.

*We donate a portion of our profits to the Jeju Fishing Village Cooperative.

Haenyeo’s Cuisine

Come and be seated around our bulteok table built for 14 guests and taste Haenyeo's course meal. Through authentic seafood preparations and the generous spread around bulteok as warm as a Haenyeo mother's bosom, we relate to Haenyeos and their world.

*We donate a portion of our profits to the Jeju Fishing Village Cooperative.

kitchen menu

A new interpretation of the traditional
Haenyeo food preparation

Haenyeo Invites You to
a Table for 14
Meet at the haenyeos “bulteok” for
a delicious underwater
journey through
media art

Visit our Jongdal branch!

We invite you to a theater combining a talk show and a buffet-style meal.
An encounter with Haenyeos in her 90s together
with performers in their 20s awaits you in Jongdal-ri.



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